Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Movin' Experience

Last weekend was more than tiring. We're trying to prep the house for sell.

Last Saturday was yard sale day. I was kinda surprised by what sold and what didn't. For example a guy gave me $2 for my 20 year old radar detector when I would have let him have it for 25 cents. On the other hand a perfectly functional 5-disc CD player didn't sell at all even though I wasn't asking really anything for it. Most all of the items sold were on a "make best offer" level anyway. Oh well, made about $121.

Sunday was a 16 hour long day of yard work and packing. We rented a 12x20 controlled climate storage locker at a storage facility less than a mile from home. So far we've moved about 8 SUV's worth of items to it. (Of course ya know the new standard of measurement is the "SUV")

Monday morning our real estate agent stopped by so we could develop a game plan. I have a few more repairs and packing to do this weekend and the house should be on the market before the 19th.

Today is the first day this week I've been able to ride the motorcycle. Been riding around in the Jeep earlier this week. The Jeep has really been the hauler for the top soil, grass seed, borrowed yard sale table, and lots and lots of boxes I've needed to transport.

1 comment:

Cristina said...

You take such good care of your family. Thank you for all your hard work baby.