Monday, September 21, 2009

Lightning Pics at last

No matter how hard I try I can never seem to get the really cool lightning pictures you see the pros get. A line of thunderstorms from an approaching cold front brought lightning to the DFW area Monday evening, 9/21/2009. These are the best pictures I was able to take from our bedroom window using an older Nikon D70s set to fast action mode, manual focus.

Probably my favorite for the simple fact that it's crisp, well lit, and framed pretty well...

Kinda weak. Maybe a little Photoshop would help it...

Should have been aiming more towards the East...

The blurriness was caused by rain on the window glass...

A nice HUGE bolt. Cool little ball of lightning thing on the right side there...

Another favorite. Crisp and long. Could have been brighter...

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