I had alot of people ask me why I didn't just go with "The Turtle". The Turtle is a plastic sandbox found at Target or Walmart. It's a... turtle... which you remove it's back to reveal the measly 3 bags of sand it can hold.
I decided Abby needed a REAL sandbox that could hold ALOT of sand. So I built this puppy from scratch. I use (4) 4 foot long 2x12's for the sides and (2) 4 foot long 2x6's for the benches. The lid is (for the time being until I can think of a better method) a 4 foot by 4 foot 15/36 inch piece of plywood. I stained the wood of the sandbox and it's lid with a quart of stain Lowe's had on the mis-tinted discounted rack. I then applied 2 coats of clear gloss polyurethane varnish. The sand? Try (12) 50 pound bags! That's right, 600 pounds of sand!! Doing the math... that's nearly 16 times more than what Abby weighs. And since she's only about 3 foot 6 inches tall she can create "sand angels" in it.
The blue tarp peeking out from the bottom will be covered along the sides with mulch as I build out the rest of her playground area. Cristina asked me "if it doesn't have a solid bottom, how are we ever going to move it?". My answer, "NEVER". In the event of a nuclear war there will be two things left on earth, cockroaches and Abby's sandbox! ;-)
She would forget the turtle box by the time she discovers boys. She will remember Daddy's Sandbox for a lifetime. I can close my eyes and see my "Daddy's Sandbox" to this day.
But I dunno. From the looks of the picture? I think that might be "Wayne's New Sandbox."
Oh, Abby. Feel free to kick sand in Wayne's face to get him outta there and move on to the next Abby Project by Daddy.
It looks amazing honey! Great job!
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