Friday, October 31, 2008

Our Poltergeist Home

Wow, this is bizarre!

Last night was my last night on 2nd shift and as Murphy's Law would dictate it was busy as hell so I wasn't able to leave until 11:30pm, a half hour late. I drove to the Walgreen's pharmacy on Central Drive and Bedford Road about a mile and a half from home. I needed to pick up a prescription for this nagging cough. While in the pharmacy, Cristina called me and said she was sitting on the couch in the living room when she heard something like footsteps in the attic followed by the wall between the living room and the bedroom move. I need to come home ASAP.

Hum, the wall "moved"? So I headed home. I grabbed a flashlight and begin the process of looking around the house. I saw a black cat run across the backyard (no lie). I went to look in the attic.

Well, I found nothing. But now come this morning I know what it was... a 3.0 earthquake!!

Here's the story from the Dallas Morning News

Video news from the local Channel 11

Preliminary report from the USGS

A map of where it occurred from the USGS.

HOLY CRAP!! I definitely didn't see that as a possibility! Add it to the things to worry about which could happen to the house. Along with tornadoes, grassfires, airplane crashes, foundation cracks, gas leaks/explosions, and robbery.


Cristina said...

At least you know your wife is not crazy!

Norval Kennedy said...

Cristina, Do not worry. It was not your fault.

Wayne said...

"Fault"... I get it, an earthquake joke. I was moved by it.